​Yvonne Teskey
Thank you for joining me here in what for me is a Spiritual Journey, an inner, intimate meeting with the heart, a meditation of the Silence, the Mystery, to allow the Stillness to whisper its inspirations, to listen deeply to the Soul and give it expression in the form of creating a painting of “The Divine Feminine” and then bring that to the canvas of Life.
I paint Simply for the Pure Joy of it. It’s a sacred space of opening to a flow of Being, innocent, free and returning to a childlike exploration of this moment, moving through and the surrendering of results or expectations. There is a trusting of the rhythm and cycle of the creative process, sometimes blockages, sometimes chaos and sometimes magical mistakes that I could never possibly have thought of. Allowing All to be seen and heard. When I paint, it’s not about having an agenda to create something but just to Be PRESENT to what IS here, NOW, in this moment and magic happens.
My hope is that in witnessing a painting, its resonance and the journey SHE the Divine Feminine took me through to create it, will touch, open and inspire that same place in the observer, growing and expanding the beauty, vitality and abundance of Life. I am inspired by John O'Donohue who in his poem "Fluent" says “Oh to live like a river flows, surprised by its own unfolding”.
I always loved to paint and studied Art in secondary school but going to Art school was not an option for me at the time. I trained as nurse and a midwife, an amazing journey discovering the INCREDIBLE power of WOMBYN to CREATE and BIRTH New Life. There are NO mistakes in Life!
In the last 15yrs I have trained as a Pregnancy and Womb yoga teacher(with Uma Dinsmore Tuli) and Birth doula, holding space for Women as they journey through the cycles of life, maiden, mother, crone, the moon tides of menstruation, pregnancy and birth. I also am also accredited as a teacher/trainer of "The Form Reality Practice" a moving meditation practice,originated by B. Prior.
I am passionate about Women. My deepest desire is that each woman comes to know how amazing and powerful she is, that she can find and trust her inner love and wisdom and bring it to life for herself and all humanity.
The bounteous gifts of all I have learned and shared with women over these years, comes through as SHE, the Divine Feminine. The Great Cosmic Mother, whatever name you wish to call HER, reveals herself to me in the painting process, the next step, the calling always to reveal our unique gift. I invite myself to step beyond my boundaries, judgements and inner critic. I open and offer myself to be a channel of The Divine Feminine creativity.
She has created us all from making Love with the Divine Masculine, pure consciousness, for the purpose of bringing Love here and calls me from the deep to come out from hiding, to shine the healing light of Love we all are, reconnecting us with the vibrancy, beauty and abundance that is HER true nature.
Beautiful sisters introduced me to Flora Aube and “The Art of Allowing” in 2014 and it reignited the flame in my heart for painting that had been put on the back burner over the years of working and raising our family. Funnily enough, my children encouraged me, as they had seen some art work I had done at school that my Mum had kept, including one of a woman’s face!
Over the last 3 years, participating in many of Flora’s offerings, I have reconnected with JOY. It's like the joy that fills the room when a baby is born, the Joy of Being Fully Alive. It has been a wonderful gift in my life that has flowed into all areas, family, relationships and work. I’m so very grateful and thrilled to be able to offer the 'Art of Allowing' process now with others as an 'Art of Allowing' Facilitator, in service to the Divine Feminine.
I am inspired to share this Joy through the "Art of Allowing" Process with other women, supporting and encouraging each other in sacred sisterhood. This Art of Allowing approach is a unique process to awaken your inner connection to the love and wisdom of the Divine Feminine and its expression.
Art of Allowing - Painting the Divine Feminine
Join me over 1 or 2 days to enter and connect to the heart of your creative wombyn, paint and birth your powerful inner Feminine. I will be your Doula, supporting and guiding your journey through meditation, visualisation and the basics of painting a face. A wonderful journey at any time but a wonderful process to embark on, at the thresholds in wombyns life cycles, menarche, pregnancy, menopause or cronehood.
For 1 day workshop we will use smaller canvas 30x40cms and opening phases of the process. The 2 day workshop we will use a 60x80cms canvas and dive into the deepening phases.
All art materials are supplied, using high quality artists acrylic paints, mediums and canvasses.
Personal class 2days €350 group rate €275each. 1day €195 group rate125
A full day group workshop where I will guide you in relaxation, meditation and a practice of gentle womb yoga.Take a guided meditation to meet with the Divine Feminine within, then birth Her Essence and her gift with a drawing, using pastels, inktense or water colour pencils, learning the basics of drawing the face and not forgetting to have lots of fun.
All materials supplied €80
2 day immersion.... personal or small group
Would you like to create an intuitive visionary Soul painting inspired by the Mystery aligned to the wisdom of your heart and womb.I will support you to go within and create space for you to hear your own inner voice and wisdom , then birth that on a canvas and into your life.
We will practice with Sacred Feminine Symbols, breath, relaxation, gentle womb yoga, dancing! following the Joy of BEING.
Like every birth there are stages or gateways to navigate.
1.Entering the Yoni gateway
2.Deepening Within
3.Growth and Gestation
All Materials supplied
group rate €275 personal €350
"My experience of the Art of Allowing with Yvonne was an unfolding...on emotional, creative, spiritual levels. I felt connected to a deeper place within myself which I have never left since. Yvonne did not take me there. I found my way myself through the deepening process. This is part of the beauty of her work. What Yvonne did was so subtle and skilful... she simply held the space and gently held me in it...she laboured and birthed my divine goddess beside me...she is the quintessence of the creative doula ... nudging ... smiling ... dancing ... guiding ... nurturing ... and deepening all the while in her own graceful femininity.
I exist now in a beautifully inspiring and fuller place within me since this creative process ... and even after all this, I get to acknowledge this part me on a tangible physical level thanks to the lush goddess on canvas I brought home with me! I smile at her daily as she observes my home-life. Quite simply, I want to experience it all again and again with Yvonne by my side."
"It was such a joy working with Yvonne, a diving into the depths of myself and beyond to bring forth onto canvas, into form, the deepest expressions. I was given excellent technical guidance whilst at the same time a grounded, safe space was held for me to be as vulnerable as I needed to be, giving rise to a journey of discovery of the Divine Feminine within and her expression onto canvas. It was a profound experience for me. Thank you Yvonne, I look forward to doing more!"